Risc Zero

Titan Network


🖥Hardware Requirements :

  • Memory: 8GB++ RAM
  • Bandwidth: 25 Mbps each Download/Upload


Mandatory Requirements

A GitHub account Requirement:

  • You must have at least 1 public repository
  • You must follow at least 5 Github accounts.
  • You must have at least 1 follower

Follow me: https://github.com/zulna10 (opens in a new tab)


Install dependencies and binary

curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.35.0/install.sh | sh -
source ~/.profile
mkdir p0tion-tmp
cd p0tion-tmp
nvm install 16.20
nvm use 16.20
npm install @p0tion/phase2cli

Authenticate Github account

npx phase2cli auth


screen -RS risczero
npx phase2cli contribute

follow the instruction until you see You will have to wait for xxx contributors (~xx:xx:xx:00 (dd/hh/mm/ss)) then you can leave detach the screen by pressing CTRL+A then CTRL+D without releasing CTRL button to return and check your progress, use screen -r risczero